hello wordl 5-11-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in four. It’s my first finish in four in seven days. The last time I solved a puzzle in four attempts was Thursday, May 4.


Welcome back to the Wordle blog! Today is May 11, 2023, and we’re here to talk about the Wordle puzzle for the day. The word for today’s puzzle was FRAUD, and I was able to solve it in four guesses. This is actually the third time that FRAUD has been the solution to the puzzle. In fact, I had been using FRAUD as my first guess in 2022, but then I switched to GRIFT when it came up as the answer. I didn’t think FRAUD would be reused, and if it was, it would only be after GRIFT was used. However, that was not the case, and FRAUD appeared once again as the solution to the puzzle.

For today’s puzzle, my first guess was GRIFT, which gave me the letter R in the right place and F in the wrong place. My second guess was FROWN, which gave me the letters F and R in the right places. My third guess was FRESH, which didn’t give me any helpful letters. Finally, on my fourth guess, I guessed FRAUD, and it was the correct answer.

It’s interesting to note that this month, I have solved the Wordle puzzle in five guesses or less in seven out of the 11 times, four twice, and three just once. This month is not doing any favors for my average, which is just over four guesses. I guess it goes to show that sometimes, even with experience, you can’t always predict what the solution to the puzzle will be. That’s part of the fun of the Wordle game, though – it keeps you on your toes and challenges your word skills in unexpected ways.

That’s all for today’s Wordle blog. See you tomorrow for the next puzzle!


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About raabidfun

I'm a guy living the #raabidfun lifestyle. I figured I would create a blog about crossword puzzles I do. The idea is to do the NYT crossword and the WSJ crossword daily as much as I can. That includes when I don't finish and have clearly failed. They can be difficult. Also I am not an attorney, and any legal analysis in this blog reflects my interpretation, which means it can be flawed and should not be relied upon for use in legal matters (especially against me).

1 thought on “hello wordl 5-11-23 (contains spoilers)

  1. Pingback: hello wordl 5-14-23 (contains spoilers) - raabidfun does crosswords

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