Category Archives: hello wordl

hello wordl 5-28-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in three. It’s my second finish in three in a row. The last time I solved a puzzle in three guesses was Saturday, May 27.


Wordle enthusiasts, gather ’round for another thrilling chapter in our journey of lexical exploration. Today’s puzzle presented a captivating challenge, but with my wits and perseverance, I triumphed, unraveling the elusive word hidden within its intricate web of letters.

As I delved into the enigmatic puzzle before me, the letters danced and swirled, enticing me with their hidden meanings. My first attempt, “GRIFT,” yielded valuable insights—the ‘F’ and ‘R’ were present, though not in their rightful places. This newfound knowledge spurred me forward, fueling my determination to uncover the solution.

Undeterred by the puzzle’s complexities, I cast my next guess, “FARCE,” into the mix. Ah, sweet progress! The puzzle unveiled an ‘E,’ providing a crucial piece of the puzzle, even though it occupied an incorrect position. Furthermore, the ‘F’ had found its rightful place, while the ‘R’ continued to play hide-and-seek.

Armed with this newfound knowledge, I approached my third and final attempt, my heart pounding with anticipation. “FEVER,” I declared confidently, feeling the weight of the letters settle into their proper positions. And just like that, the puzzle surrendered, confirming the accuracy of my deduction.

The word “FEVER” now graced the puzzle, a testament to my determination, strategic thinking, and unwavering pursuit of linguistic triumph. It symbolized the beauty of uncovering hidden truths, of connecting letters to form words that transcend mere ink on paper.

In the realm of Wordle, each guess holds the potential for enlightenment, each deduction a step closer to unveiling the word’s secret identity. It is a journey that celebrates the power of language, the joy of discovery, and the satisfaction of a puzzle solved.

Join me on this exhilarating adventure through the captivating world of Wordle. Embrace the challenges, relish the victories, and immerse yourself in the magical tapestry of words waiting to be unraveled.

As we bid adieu to the Wordle puzzle of May 28, I invite you to embark on your own linguistic escapades, to revel in the dance of letters and the thrill of deciphering their hidden meanings. Let the power of words ignite your imagination and kindle your passion for puzzling.

May your future Wordle endeavors be filled with excitement, intellectual curiosity, and the sweet taste of triumph.

hello wordl 5-27-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in three. It’s my first finish in three in two days. The last time I solved a puzzle in three guesses was Thursday, May 25.


Dear word aficionados, gather ’round and let us embark on another captivating expedition through the intricate world of Wordle. Today’s puzzle has offered its challenges, but through my perseverance and deduction, I emerged victorious, unraveling the concealed word within its cunning design.

As I gazed upon the jumble of letters before me, my mind raced with possibilities, seeking patterns and connections that would lead me closer to the elusive solution. With my first attempt, “GRIFT,” the puzzle granted me a sliver of insight—a single ‘T’ that fell into place, nestled right where it belonged.

Encouraged by this initial breakthrough, I pressed forward, undeterred by the twists and turns that lay ahead. “SLEPT” became my second guess, and it unveiled the ‘P’ in its proper position, joining the ‘A’ that I had identified from my previous endeavor. The puzzle was gradually surrendering its secrets, like an intricate tapestry being woven thread by thread.

With only one missing piece left to uncover, I approached the challenge with heightened anticipation and determination. It was in this moment that the answer revealed itself—my third and final guess, “ADOPT,” fitting seamlessly into the puzzle’s framework. The thrill of victory surged through me as I basked in the satisfaction of my accomplishment.

The word “ADOPT” stood proudly, a testament to my resilience, strategic thinking, and unwavering pursuit of linguistic conquest. It symbolized the fusion of intellect and intuition, the delicate balance between deduction and instinct that guided me toward success.

In the realm of Wordle, each guess is a step closer to unraveling the mysteries concealed within the tapestry of letters. It is a journey of discovery, where patience and persistence are rewarded, and the intricate dance of language unfolds before our eyes.

Join me on this exhilarating expedition through the realm of Wordle. Embrace the challenges, relish the victories, and savor the moments of clarity when words come alive. Together, let us unlock the hidden wonders that lie within the labyrinth of letters.

As we bid farewell to the Wordle puzzle of May 27, I invite you to embark on your own linguistic adventures, to challenge your wit and unravel the enigmas of words. May your journeys be filled with excitement, enlightenment, and the joy of triumph.

hello wordl 5-26-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in five. It’s my first finish in five in five days. The last time I solved the puzzle in five guesses was Sunday, May 21.


Greetings, fellow logophiles! Today, I invite you to join me on another enthralling journey into the realm of Wordle. Together, we shall explore the twists and turns that led to the triumphant unraveling of today’s captivating puzzle.

As I confronted the blank canvas of letters before me, my mind brimmed with anticipation, eager to unlock the secret word concealed within the enigmatic veil. With each guess, I carefully navigated the intricate web of possibilities, determined to uncover the hidden gem that awaited me.

My initial attempt, “GRIFT,” bore fruit as the letter ‘R’ unveiled itself, occupying its rightful place within the word. The first glimmer of success emboldened my spirit and fortified my resolve. The puzzle had granted me a foothold, a starting point from which I could venture further into the labyrinth of letters.

Undeterred by setbacks, I forged ahead, undulating through a tapestry of possibilities. “PROUD,” my second guess, proved to be an errant step, failing to provide any significant revelations. But I refused to waver, knowing that perseverance is the key to unlocking the puzzle’s secrets.

With renewed determination, I set my sights on “CRASH,” my third conjecture. The puzzle rewarded my efforts by unveiling the coveted letters ‘C’ and ‘A,’ aligning with the ‘R’ I had previously uncovered. A sense of accomplishment welled within me as the word began to take shape, but a missing piece still eluded me.

A calculated gamble led me to “CRAVE,” my fourth guess. The ‘E’ joined the growing assembly of correct letters, further solidifying my progress. However, a solitary blank space remained, teasing my intellect and challenging my deduction skills.

In a moment of inspiration, my fifth and final attempt brought clarity to the puzzle’s canvas. “CRANE,” the missing piece of the linguistic puzzle, graced me with its presence, affirming the culmination of my efforts and marking the ultimate victory.

The dance of letters had been choreographed to perfection, revealing the word “CRANE” in a symphony of language. It was a testament to my determination, strategic thinking, and unwavering pursuit of the truth that lay hidden within the puzzle’s intricacies.

As the curtain falls on the Wordle puzzle of May 26, I am reminded of the allure and excitement that permeate this captivating linguistic pursuit. Each guess, each revelation, takes us one step closer to unraveling the enigma of words.

I invite you, fellow word enthusiasts, to join me on this wondrous journey through the realm of Wordle. Embrace the thrill of exploration, the joy of discovery, and the satisfaction of triumph as we unravel the mysteries woven within the tapestry of letters.

May your linguistic adventures be filled with excitement and may your journeys through the labyrinth of words bring you ever closer to the triumphant unraveling of each captivating puzzle.

hello wordl 5-25-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in three. It’s my first finish in three in five days. The last time I solved a puzzle in three guesses was Saturday, May 20.


Greetings, fellow word aficionados! Today, I find myself exhilarated by yet another captivating encounter with the enigmatic realm of Wordle. Join me as I recount the thrilling journey that led me to unravel the mystery of today’s puzzle.

Armed with unyielding determination and an insatiable passion for words, I embarked on the challenge that lay before me. The puzzle’s veil shrouded the hidden word, teasing my mind with its cryptic allure. Undeterred, I ventured forth, ready to conquer the linguistic riddles that awaited.

With my first guess, “GRIFT,” a glimmer of progress emerged as the puzzle unveiled the letter ‘R’ in its rightful place. The first step towards victory had been taken, kindling the fires of anticipation within me. The puzzle’s secrets were within reach, and I pressed on with renewed fervor.

In a bold maneuver, I ventured forth with my second hypothesis: “BRAVE.” A surge of excitement coursed through my veins as the puzzle bestowed upon me the revelation that the letter ‘B’ had found its proper place within the hidden word. Additionally, the letter ‘A’ had made its presence known, albeit in a different location. The puzzle’s grip tightened, challenging me to decipher the precise arrangement of these elusive letters.

With unwavering confidence, I forged ahead, honing my linguistic instincts and contemplating the possibilities that lay before me. And then, in a moment of clarity, it struck me like a bolt of lightning. My third guess, “BROAD,” resonated with the truth of the puzzle. The pieces fell into place, and the veil was lifted, revealing the triumphant victory that awaited me.

“BROAD” emerged from the shadows, standing as a testament to my perseverance and linguistic prowess. The puzzle had been conquered in a mere three guesses, a testament to the power of intuition and strategic thinking.

Each encounter with Wordle is a testament to the intricate dance between logic and language, challenging us to uncover the hidden gems that lie within the woven tapestry of words. Today’s puzzle showcased the thrill of discovery, as the letters aligned to form the elusive word that had evaded me at the start.

As I bid adieu to the puzzle of May 25, I am reminded of the boundless possibilities that await in the world of Wordle. It is a realm where minds intertwine with language, where victory is forged through wit, and where every puzzle serves as an invitation to unravel the intricacies of words.

Join me, fellow lexicon enthusiasts, as we embark on this thrilling Wordle adventure, celebrating the power of language and embracing the joy of deciphering the enigmatic puzzles that lie before us.

hello wordl 5-24-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in four. It’s my third finish in four in a row. The last time I solved a puzzle in four attempts was Tuesday, May 23.


Greetings, fellow word enthusiasts! Today, I embarked on another captivating adventure in the realm of Wordle, where the quest for knowledge and the thrill of deciphering hidden words reign supreme. Join me as I recount my journey through the intricate puzzle that awaited me.

Armed with an insatiable curiosity and an unwavering determination, I dove headfirst into the linguistic labyrinth. My first guess, “GRIFT,” yielded no common letters with the elusive word that lay concealed within the puzzle’s grasp. Undeterred, I pressed on, eager to unravel the enigma that awaited.

With my second hypothesis, “CHOMP,” a flicker of hope emerged as the puzzle revealed the presence of two letters— ‘C’ and ‘H’— albeit in the wrong positions. The path to victory was still obscured, but I remained resolute in my pursuit of linguistic triumph.

As the puzzle’s mystique deepened, I delved deeper into the vast ocean of words, formulating my third conjecture: “WENCH.” Ah, the tantalizing dance of anticipation and uncertainty. The puzzle responded, graciously bestowing upon me the knowledge that four of my letters— ‘E,’ ‘N,’ ‘C,’ and ‘H’—were indeed in the correct places. However, the ‘W’ proved to be an imposter, shrouding the true identity of the word that eluded me.

Alas, in a twist of fate, I succumbed to the allure of the less likely word, forsaking the truth that lay within the grasp of my intuition. My third guess, while tantalizingly close, did not hold the key to the puzzle’s heart. It was a valuable lesson learned, a reminder that in the realm of Wordle, intuition and probability must strike a harmonious balance.

Summoning my resolve, I embarked on my fourth and final guess: “BENCH.” A moment of anticipation hung in the air, as the puzzle weighed my choice. And then, in an exhilarating surge of triumph, the puzzle acknowledged my victory! “BENCH” had triumphantly emerged from the shadows, standing as the true embodiment of the hidden word.

Each encounter with Wordle is an opportunity to sharpen our linguistic acumen, to embrace the delicate interplay of intuition and logic. Today’s puzzle taught me the importance of trusting my instincts while remaining vigilant of the probabilities at play.

As I bid adieu to the puzzle of May 24, I eagerly await the challenges that lie ahead, each one beckoning with the promise of linguistic discovery. May we continue to celebrate the joys of Wordle, reveling in the intricate dance between words and minds, and unlocking the mysteries of language one puzzle at a time.

Join me, fellow logophiles, as we embrace the captivating world of Wordle, where each puzzle serves as an invitation to unlock the hidden gems of language and revel in the triumph of unraveling the enigmatic tapestry of words.

hello wordl 5-23-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in four. It’s my second finish in four in a row. The last time I solved a puzzle in four attempts was Monday, May 22.


Greetings, fellow logophiles! Today, I embarked on yet another exhilarating journey into the captivating world of Wordle. Join me as I recount my quest to decipher the elusive word that lay hidden within the puzzling depths.

Armed with unwavering determination and a keen eye for linguistic patterns, I stepped into the realm of wordplay, ready to unravel the mysteries that awaited. With my initial guess of “GRIFT,” a glimmer of hope ignited within me as the puzzle unveiled the presence of two letters— “R” and “I” — in their rightful places. The stage was set, and the pursuit of knowledge was well underway.

Undeterred by the partial revelation, I ventured forth, presenting my second hypothesis: “PRIME.” Alas, the puzzle remained coy, withholding any further hints or clues from its inscrutable depths. The word remained veiled, shrouded in an enigma that would require further exploration.

Refusing to succumb to the perplexing nature of the puzzle, I forged ahead, offering my third conjecture: “BRISK.” Despite my hopes, the puzzle remained steadfast, revealing no additional letters to guide me towards victory. The challenge was far from over, and I knew I had to dig deeper into the wellspring of words to uncover the truth.

Summoning my unwavering resolve, I embarked on my fourth and final guess: “DRILL.” A moment of anticipation filled the air as the puzzle deliberated my selection. The veil of mystery was about to be lifted. And then, with a burst of exhilaration, the puzzle confirmed my victory! “DRILL” had been successfully unveiled as the hidden word.

The triumph that accompanies each Wordle conquest is a testament to the power of perseverance and the indomitable spirit of the word enthusiast. Every guess brings us closer to unraveling the puzzle, urging us to tap into our linguistic prowess and embrace the thrill of the hunt.

To my fellow word aficionados, let us revel in the joy of deciphering these captivating puzzles, for they serve as a reminder of the richness and beauty of language. Each encounter with Wordle nurtures our love for words, deepens our understanding of their intricacies, and strengthens our connection to the wondrous world of lexical exploration.

As I bid farewell to today’s Wordle conquest, I eagerly anticipate the next puzzle that lies ahead, knowing that each challenge brings with it an opportunity for growth and linguistic discovery. May we continue to celebrate the allure of words, embrace the thrill of the hunt, and strive to unlock the mysteries of language one puzzle at a time.

hello wordl 5-22-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in four. It’s my first finish in four in three days. The last time I solved a puzzle in four attempts was Friday, May 19.


Greetings, fellow word enthusiasts! Today, I embarked on yet another captivating Wordle challenge, fueled by my unwavering determination to conquer the elusive word within the puzzle. Join me as I recount my exhilarating journey towards victory!

Armed with the knowledge that the perfect word lay concealed within the puzzle’s grasp, I eagerly embarked on my quest for lexical triumph. With my initial guess, “GRIFT,” a spark of hope ignited as the puzzle yielded a familiar letter—the illustrious “R.” Yet, it eluded its intended place, urging me to dive deeper into the realm of words.

Unfazed by the initial setback, I pressed forward, presenting my second hypothesis: “SHORE.” The puzzle responded with a revelation, unveiling an “E” and an “O.” Alas, they remained misplaced, but the “R” had found its rightful spot, adding a glimmer of progress to my journey. The tides were shifting, and victory seemed within reach.

Refusing to yield, I delved into unexplored linguistic territories with my third guess: “ONERY.” The puzzle rewarded my efforts, confirming the correct placement of the “O,” “E,” and “R.” The pieces were falling into place, but the puzzle still held its secrets tightly, challenging me to uncover more.

Undeterred by the enigma that lay before me, I summoned my linguistic prowess and submitted my fourth and final guess: “OPERA.” A breathless moment enveloped me as the puzzle deliberated my selection. Time stood still, hanging on the precipice of anticipation. Then, like the crescendo of a magnificent aria, the puzzle illuminated with delight—victory was mine! “OPERA” had been revealed as the hidden word.

The elation that washes over me upon deciphering a Wordle puzzle is a testament to the allure of words and the power of perseverance. Each guess brings us one step closer to unraveling the enigma, urging us to push the boundaries of our linguistic prowess.

To all the fellow word aficionados out there, let us revel in the thrill of the hunt and celebrate the satisfaction that accompanies the discovery of each word. May this triumph inspire us to dive deeper into the enchanting world of language, expanding our vocabulary and honing our wordplay skills.

As we bid adieu to today’s Wordle conquest, I eagerly await the next challenge that lies ahead, knowing that each puzzle brings with it an opportunity for growth and linguistic exploration. Until then, let us cherish the beauty of words, embrace the thrill of the hunt, and continue our quest for lexical mastery.

hello wordl 5-21-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in five. It’s my first finish in five in three days. The last time I solved the puzzle in five guesses was Thursday, May 18.


Hello there, fellow word aficionados! Today, I embarked on another thrilling Wordle adventure, determined to conquer the puzzle and unlock the secret word. After a series of calculated guesses, I emerged triumphant in just five attempts. Let me share the exhilarating journey with you!

With anticipation coursing through my veins, I ventured into the realm of words, armed with my wit and linguistic prowess. My initial attempt, “GRIFT,” gifted me a valuable clue—a solitary “R.” Alas, it eluded its rightful place within the word, leaving me to explore further possibilities.

Undeterred by the challenge, I proceeded with my second guess: “REACH.” The puzzle responded, revealing an encouraging discovery—the presence of an “E.” However, both the “E” and the elusive “R” still taunted me from their incorrect positions. I knew I had to dig deeper, for the word’s secrets were within my grasp.

Embracing the thrill of the hunt, I ventured forth with my third guess: “EMBER.” This selection held promise, as the puzzle acknowledged the correct placement of the “E” and “R.” Alas, no other letters fell into place, urging me to explore alternative avenues.

Unyielding in my pursuit, my fourth guess took the form of “LOSER.” The word unveiled its secrets, exposing the letter “O.” Yet, it stubbornly resisted its rightful place, prolonging the tantalizing dance of the unresolved puzzle. I knew I was edging closer, though, and my determination surged.

Finally, armed with newfound confidence, I entered my fifth and final guess: “OWNER.” A moment of anticipation gripped me as the puzzle evaluated my selection. Time seemed to stand still, suspended in the air. Then, like a burst of fireworks, the puzzle illuminated with delight. Victory was mine! “OWNER” had been revealed as the elusive word.

The elation that washes over me upon solving a Wordle puzzle is unparalleled. It’s a testament to the power of perseverance, sharp deduction, and a love for the beauty of words. Each guess brought me closer to unraveling the enigma, igniting a spark within me to continue exploring the vast realms of language.

To all my fellow Wordle enthusiasts, let us revel in the joy that accompanies each successful guess and celebrate the exhilaration of cracking the code. May this triumph inspire us to embrace the allure of words, to sharpen our linguistic acumen, and to embark on countless word-hunting adventures.

As we bid farewell to today’s challenge, I eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to engage in the captivating world of Wordle. Until then, let us cherish the thrill of the hunt, relish the satisfaction of uncovering linguistic secrets, and continue our journey towards word mastery.

hello wordl 5-20-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in three. It’s my first finish in three in four days. The last time I solved a puzzle in three guesses was Tuesday, May 16.


Greetings, fellow word enthusiasts! Today’s Wordle puzzle presented me with an exciting challenge, and I’m thrilled to share my triumph with you. In a mere three guesses, I unraveled the mystery and triumphed over the enigmatic word: “MARSH.”

Eager to delve into the captivating world of words, I embarked on my Wordle adventure with enthusiasm and determination. My first attempt, “GRIFT,” granted me a valuable clue—a solitary “R.” However, much to my chagrin, it eluded its rightful place within the word. Undeterred, I forged ahead, my mind brimming with possibilities.

With renewed focus, my second guess took the form of “REACH.” The puzzle unveiled another layer of its secrets. The letter “H” stood proudly in its correct position, while the discovery of an “A” hinted at further revelations. Alas, both the “A” and the elusive “R” eluded their intended places, teasing me with their misplaced positions.

Not one to be discouraged, I pressed on with my third and final guess: “MARSH.” Anticipation hung in the air as the puzzle evaluated my selection. A moment of suspense passed, only to be shattered by the illuminating glow of success. I had cracked the code, revealing the word in its entirety. Victory was mine!

Solving this challenging puzzle in just three attempts is a testament to the power of persistence and a keen eye for patterns. It underscores the sheer joy that arises from unraveling linguistic mysteries and the exhilaration of conquering the Wordle challenge.

As I reflect on this triumphant moment, I am reminded of the boundless pleasure that comes from engaging with language and exploring the depths of words. Each guess brought me closer to unraveling the enigma, igniting a fire within me to seek further linguistic conquests.

To my fellow Wordle enthusiasts, let us celebrate the thrill of the hunt and relish in the joy of discovering hidden patterns within the intricate tapestry of words. May this victory inspire us to continue exploring the realms of language, to sharpen our wordplay skills, and to embark on new adventures in the pursuit of linguistic mastery.

As we bid adieu to today’s challenge, I eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to engage in the captivating world of Wordle. Until then, my fellow word enthusiasts, let us cherish the exhilaration that accompanies each successful guess and savor the satisfaction of unraveling the secrets of words.

hello wordl 5-19-23 (contains spoilers)

I finished this one in four. It’s my first finish in four in five days. The last time I solved a puzzle in four attempts was Sunday, May 14.


Greetings, fellow word sleuths! Today’s Wordle puzzle brought forth a thrilling challenge, and I’m delighted to share my triumph with you. In just four guesses, I unraveled the mystery and uncovered the secret word: “SLOPE.”

With eager anticipation, I embarked on my Wordle adventure, armed with my wits and a keen eye for patterns. My first guess, “GRIFT,” proved to be fruitless, with no helpful letters to guide me. Undeterred, I pressed on, determined to crack the code.

For my second attempt, I offered the word “WHOSE.” To my delight, the puzzle rewarded me with valuable clues. The letters “O” and “E” fell perfectly into place, indicating that I had indeed discovered two correct letters in their rightful positions. Additionally, an “S” made an appearance, although it resided in the wrong spot, teasing me with its mischievous nature.

Feeling a surge of confidence, I proceeded with my third guess: “SCOPE.” The puzzle unveiled its secrets, confirming that my intuition had served me well. The letters “S,” “O,” “P,” and “E” aligned harmoniously, confirming their rightful positions within the word. Victory was within reach, but one more guess stood between me and triumph.

With bated breath, I submitted my fourth and final guess: “SLOPE.” The suspense mounted as the puzzle evaluated my suggestion, and with a resounding confirmation, the screen lit up in celebration. I had successfully deciphered the hidden word, completing the puzzle in just four attempts.

Solving this puzzle in a mere four guesses is a testament to the power of observation and deductive reasoning. It serves as a reminder that even when faced with challenges, perseverance and strategic thinking can lead us to victory. Each guess brought me closer to unraveling the enigma, and the satisfaction of cracking the code was immeasurable.

As I reflect on my Wordle journey, I’m reminded of the joy that comes from immersing oneself in the realm of words and puzzles. The allure of discovering hidden patterns and unraveling linguistic mysteries fuels our passion and keeps us engaged.

To my fellow Wordle enthusiasts, let us continue to embrace the thrill of the hunt, relishing each opportunity to engage our minds and explore the depths of language. May the next puzzle bring us closer to new triumphs and delightful linguistic discoveries.

Until we embark on our next Wordle adventure, keep guessing, keep exploring, and savor the exhilaration that comes with unraveling the secrets of words.