NYT Spelling Bee 8-22-20 final


Done in a rush job, but I got there. The pangram today was BOYCOTTED, and I was going to say that I have a story about this, but I’ve written it already in a post for a crossword puzzle. In short, Boycott was a dude in Ireland who was a bad landlord. Tenants stopped paying rent altogether, all together.

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About raabidfun

I'm a guy living the #raabidfun lifestyle. I figured I would create a blog about crossword puzzles I do. The idea is to do the NYT crossword and the WSJ crossword daily as much as I can. That includes when I don't finish and have clearly failed. They can be difficult. Also I am not an attorney, and any legal analysis in this blog reflects my interpretation, which means it can be flawed and should not be relied upon for use in legal matters (especially against me).

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