NYT Spelling Bee 7-29-21 final


I ordered some suits from Indochino for the wedding that’s coming up in a couple weeks (omg!), and they’re still not here. Well, really, it’s only one suit that’s for the wedding. The other suit is just another suit. They’re supposed to fit right out of the box because there’s the measuring aspect in advance of the orders, but they offer free alterations to get the fit just perfect. I don’t know how mine will turn out, and they have shipped from the Indochino factory in China. Now, instead of being flown out from China directly to LA–which would make sense for a Los Angeles delivery–they shipped the suits with DHL to a hub in Cincinnati, Ohio. I imagine that the reason for that is bulk rate over the Pacific and then it’s just domestic logistics after that. It’s pretty smart, but the suits shipped out Thursday of last week and ostensibly cleared customs. But that last update was on Tuesday.

This shipment is handled by: DHL Express
Tracking Code: (yeah, right!)

Further Detail
Shipment has been given a release by Customs.

Next Step
Unless there is an adhoc exam or a stop by another regulatory authority the shipment will proceed to delivery

But that was July, 27 2021 (sic) 20:28 Local time | Service Area CINCINNATI HUB, OH – USA. I’m awaiting an update.


Meatier Misses

DHOTI: A garment worn by male Hindus, consisting of a piece of material tied around the waist and extending to cover most of the legs.

HOODOO: A religion practiced in parts of the Caribbean and the southern US and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession; voodoo.

Today’s summary

Letters: IGLMNUZ
Final score: 26 words for 182 points.
Genius minimum: 179 points.
First word: GINNING.

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About raabidfun

I'm a guy living the #raabidfun lifestyle. I figured I would create a blog about crossword puzzles I do. The idea is to do the NYT crossword and the WSJ crossword daily as much as I can. That includes when I don't finish and have clearly failed. They can be difficult. Also I am not an attorney, and any legal analysis in this blog reflects my interpretation, which means it can be flawed and should not be relied upon for use in legal matters (especially against me).

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