NYT Crossword Puzzle 1-10-22 Complete (contains spoilers)


I pulled out 3D Perennial embarrassments for teens: PARENTS because today would have been my grandfather’s birthday. He passed away back in 2014, but he would have turned 99 today. He made custom kitchens in his sheet metal shop in Los Angeles, and I have a table that he made out of butcher block scrap that was excess from a butcher block countertop build and a stainless steel base he welded together.


17A Where to get one’s Kix?: CEREALBOWL.
25A Singer/songwriter nicknamed “Piano Man”: BILLYJOEL.
31A Forlorn, directionless type: LOSTSOUL.
40A Survey of Election Day voters: EXITPOLL.
47A Greener energy source: CLEANCOAL.

56A Categorize simplistically: PIGEONHOLE.

I don’t see a linking clue, but these all rhyme.

Finished this one in 4:37.

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