Tag Archives: David Bukszpan

NYT Crossword Puzzle 1-4-22 Complete (contains spoilers)


I pulled out 6D Bond is a special one: AGENT because Calah and I have been going through the series, and we’re now on Casino Royale from 2006. We started at the beginning and have watched them in the order of release, including the original Casino Royale and Never Say Never Again. Calah’s assessment of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond: “He has no chill.” It’s true! He’s too easily rattled.


19A Start of an optimistic quote by 57-Across: YOUCANTTHINK.
29A Part 2 of the quote: OFYOURTROUBLES.
35A Part 3 of the quote: WHILESOLVING.
54A End of the quote: ACROSSWORD.

57A First puzzle editor of The New York Times: MARGARETFARRAR.

As someone who has a solve streak now of 98 days and has solved 867 puzzles, I can attest without reservation that this is just straight bullshit. And can we not be stressed out about things while also thinking about answers to things? Aren’t we so capable? If this is what Will Shortz’s predecessor said, it makes sense how he acts like he’s a gift to the world if this is his role model.

Finished this one in 15:19.