Tag Archives: Kyra Wilson

NYT Crossword Puzzle 8-2-21 Complete (contains spoilers)

I pulled out 52D Like an owl, in a simile: WISE because I recently became a magician member of the Magic Castle. The Magic Castle’s symbol is an owl, so that’s cool. I haven’t been in the building in about 18 months, but soon that will change.

From the Magic Castle’s page.

Theme time!

20A Service offered by Dropbox: CLOUDSTORAGE.
29A Firefly: LIGHTNINGBUG. Personal confession that I don’t believe that fireflies exist. I mean I know they do, but I also feel like they’re a myth? Kind of like electric eels. But maybe those are a real thing, too. I need to see them to be certain that they aren’t fictional.
43A Classic Corvette alternatives: THUNDERBIRDS.

52A What precedes a storm … or a hint to 20-, 29- or 43-Across: WEATHERFRONT.

Finished this one in 4:52.

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NYT Crossword Puzzle 7-16-21 Complete (contains spoilers)

Whew Friday.

I pulled out 56A Whiz: MAVEN because maven comes from the Hebrew word מבין (meh-VEEN) which means understand. So a maven is someone who understands.

The theme of this puzzle is Friday, I guess.

There’s nothing specifically long, so here’s some other stuff that stood out:

14A Band featured in Disney World’s Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster: AEROSMITH.

17A Last of the Ptolemys: CLEOPATRA. I didn’t realize that she was part of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Good for her!

54A She’s the responsible one in the group, colloquially: MOMFRIEND. I hadn’t heard of this title before. It makes sense, I guess. But also sounds kinda rude?

33D Make an unwanted appearance in a video call: ZOOMBOMB. I pieced this one together because it couldn’t be photobomb. I don’t want to do zoom anymore ever. Please mask up and get vaccinated and then continue to mask up.

23D Holiday hearth feature: YULELOG. Probably my favorite show on December 24. The 2020 Yule Log was way higher def than I remember it being in years past.

Finished this one in 29:01.

DayThis WkBestAverage